Board room software enhances security, speeds up board meetings, and increases productivity. It also comes with a broad variety of features that help directors to access and manage confidential information. This includes an all-in-one location for all meeting materials, a secure login, and a customised dashboard.

Directors can create board meetings within minutes, by uploading agenda items and other documents to central repository. It aids them in organizing online board meetings, and keep minutes of board meetings. Its search function makes it easy to retrieve files by entering a keyword, phrase, name, file type or data range. It also lets users add third parties temporarily and control the level of access to different files.

The platform will eliminate processes that are not centralized, which increase inefficiencies. It can also enhance the way board members work by giving them the ability to review and annotate documents, take notes during meetings, and communicate with one another remotely via video capabilities for conferencing. It can also make the process of preparing much faster and easier by providing templates for self-assessments for board members, D&O questionnaires, and other documents.

It can end password problems and email snarls by providing a secure login system that permits a single sign on. It can also provide an intuitive navigation system for directors and board administrators as well as built-in safeguards to avoid accidental email transmissions. It also provides 24/7 assistance from qualified individuals who are board administrators.