The more you believe any or all of these myths, the more likely you are to remain addicted. In their view, it is dangerous—a matter of tempting fate—to say that you are fully recovered. We want you to know that there is no reason you can’t change who you are, including your “addict” identity, with alcohol, drugs, or anything. It may be take time, but carrying the baggage that you must always (or ever) think of yourself as an alcoholic or drug addict will only weigh down your recovery effort. The best strategy is to create your own small culture of health and responsibility—at work, at home, or elsewhere.

Goals should be specific—you need to know what is expected and whether you have met your objectives. This is why people are often most productive under a deadline, when they know they must have something completed by a certain date. Numbers are the best example of concrete goals (e.g.  you will eat this quantity of calories etc). You must commit yourself to these goals and to assessing how well you have done in reaching them. This is about narrowing the gap between your ideal self and where you are now—including methods for getting from here to there. Whether “there” means giving up the addiction or building a stronger, more satisfying life structure (the two are, of course, inseparable).

The Difference Between Substance Misuse and Addiction

Whatever it is, new activities can lead to new friends with interests like yours. An evaluation by an addiction professional helps determine the extent of the problem and identifies appropriate treatment options. An intervention team usually includes four to six people who are important in the life of your loved one — people he or she loves, likes, respects or depends on.

But if the issues that led to substance misuse persist, recovery will probably be unsustainable. In some instances, an addiction to one substance is replaced with an addiction to a different drug. If you’re a long-term user, quitting without professional help can be a challenge. With many substances, people develop tolerance and this leads to dependence. By avoiding alcohol, you’re taking a big step toward improving physical health. As you begin to notice those health benefits, you’ll likely feel more energized and inspired to keep up your progress.

Treat Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions

You may not need to completely reinvent your life to quit drinking, but making a few changes in your surroundings to help avoid alcohol triggers can make a big difference. Family and friends can provide encouragement and support when you stop drinking. By opening up about your relationship with alcohol, you might also encourage others to explore their own drinking habits. Knowing why you drink is essential, says Cyndi Turner, LCSW, LSATP, MAC, a Virginia therapist specializing in addiction treatment and alcohol moderation.

It helps to verbally acknowledge the thoughts and feelings during the experience. Hobbies not only build character and encourage joy, but they can provide an excellent means of distraction during a drug craving. Many times cravings arise out of boredom as the mind tries to find a way to fill a “void” or empty space.

Can You Beat Addiction Alone?

However, addictions don’t really provide people with positive experiences or benefits. Although they provide short-term or illusory rewards, addictions ultimately lead to negative feelings and life outcomes. In the long run, you are worse off as a result of your addictive behaviors. People who are in the first stage of addiction recovery aren’t yet ready for any addiction treatment program. This phase is characterized by defensiveness and endless justification of their behavior. There’s a clear lack of insight into the negative impact of excessive drug or alcohol use and a strong focus on the positive effects they experience from using their drug of choice.

Can we get rid of addiction?

These changes in your brain can make quitting difficult, but it is important to remember that addictions are treatable. With the right plan and resources, recovery is possible. The good news is that you can quit, although it's a complicated process.

That can result in a lack of self-care, increased illness and sometimes struggles with depression and anxiety. According to a national survey in 2019, 20.4 million Americans had experienced a substance use disorder over the past year. And data from the previous year showed that only about one tenth of individuals with an SUD received the treatment they needed. There are people who can help you with the struggle you’re facing. It won’t just be a case of halting the destructive behavior; change will be apparent in multiple aspects of their lifestyle. Self-care and self-understanding are both present in this treatment stage, but counseling is required to keep them on the right path.

The three basic steps of urge surfing:

Allow the person to learn how to gracefully reject tempting offers by themselves. And let them develop the ability to speak about their problems with substance use without shame. Your role in their support circle is to help them if they slip, as well as giving them love and encouragement. Taking care of your own physical, emotional and mental needs first will make you better equipped to help your loved one through the difficult journey of recovery. There are also many support groups for families that can provide care and community as you navigate this challenging role. If you feel a craving coming on, attend a support group where you can talk with other recovering addicts about your conflicting desire to use and commitment to stay sober.

As a result, overcoming addiction requires growing up and assuming adult roles. In this process you learn to take responsibility not only for yourself and your own behavior but for other people in your life. One natural outgrowth of this mature outlook is that you may no longer see yourself as powerless or label yourself an addict. You may no longer feel any need for the addiction, so it ceases to have any presence in your life. Now that you have started to develop alternative ways of dealing with stress, anger, and other negative feelings, you can examine your coping strategies in a calm, rational way.

Health professionals can assist you to become drug-free quicker than if you attempt quitting alone. As mentioned above, withdrawal symptoms differ depending on the type of drug. So if your pot consumption is excessive, you could realistically quit or reduce your intake without treatment. Quitting without professional help is made even more difficult by the withdrawal symptoms that occur after stopping use.