REMIDA, Εnergy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources, Smart Energy chains
REMIDA aims at developing new EE and RES solutions in Mediterranean cities, through the
strengthening of the local energy policy and strategy and the promotion of a smart management of energy supply and demand. In particular, REMIDA intends to test and implement new schemes of privatepublic-people partnerships (PPPPs) to encourage the demand for EE and RES and the development of smart energy chains and communities

EA SEA WAY  : Europe – Adriatic SEA WAY

The general objective of EA SEA-WAY is to improve the accessibility and the mobility of passengers across the Adriatic area and its hinterland,through the development of new cross border(CB), sustainable and integrated transport services and the improvement of physical infrastructures related to those new services


GIFT 2.0 – Greece Italy Facilities for Transport 2.0

GIFT 2.0 aims at demonstrating how to develop the Adriatic-Ionian geographical area, in Apulia and Greek Regions, with multipurpose approach through the joint coordinated management of existing infrastructures and common services, in order to intercept new traffic flows (short connections, neighborhoods and long distances) and consolidate redistributing the existing ones in an optimized way, minimizing generalized costs.



AdriHealthMob:  Adriatic Model of Sustainable Mobility in the Health & Care Sector

AdriHealthMob deals with the Strategic Priority of sustainable transport services, focusing on the specific sector of Health and Care, where mobility is increasing and showing an enormous potential within the cross-border environment. The project aims at developing sustainable transport services, models and schemes addressing a cross-border health and care system in the whole Adriatic area. Health accessibility via e-Health Services.


Black Sea Silk Road Corridor (BSSRC)


The overall objective of BSSRC project is to establish Cross-border Tourism Trail “Black Sea Silk Road Corridor” (“BSSRC”) in and between Partner states.

The BSSRC route crosses borders and encourages dialogue as well as contact with partner state communities and cultures, and with international visitors. It encourages tourism, tourists and their purchasing of local products and services. It has the potential to break isolation between communities on cross-borders, as tourists, income and incentive to improve and cooperate grow.  This begins through simply marking the corridor and monuments and trails, then in providing a platform for communication (APPs, Web Portal).



TITLE:  Promoting Food Innovation for Wellness in the Adriatic

ACRONYM: WELLFOOD  http://www.wellfoodproject.eu

WELLFOOD aims at strengthening innovation capacity of Adriatic Regions on agri-food sector, by stimulating the link between business, RTD-inn. Centers, producers-consumers as a pillar for territorial growth, development and integration of the Adriatic Ionion area. Nowadays policy level is searching for holistic social innovation of communities, health and wellness implying the adoption of new governance strategies to favor health and wellbeing facing social transformation. WELLFOOD places the accent on cross-border dimension promoting coordination action among stakeholders (regional bodies, RTD Centers, SMEs and Food Associations) to overcome the obstacles in the field of innovation promotion, encouraging partnership and innovation services by programming clustering policies of Innovation for Food Quality and Safety overcoming main critical factors related to development of food sector in Adriatic regions.